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Mooring Maps

Mooring maps are available for purchase by club members, please contact the Club Manager, click here to order by emailing the Club Manager.

General Use of Moorings

In respect of all moorings, whether solely owned by the Club or jointly owned with other Clubs, all members acknowledge that they use all such moorings at their own risk in all respects. Neither the Club(s) nor any officer of the Club(s) is liable on any ground whatsoever for any loss, damage, cost or expense arising from or incidental to any use of such mooring. Members of the Pelorus, Waikawa and Mana Club have access to 100 moorings located throughout the Marlborough Sounds and D’Urville Island and Porirua Harbour. These moorings are clearly marked with a buoy with the letters PWM. No member of any other Club (other than Waikawa, Pelorus or Mana) may claim reciprocal rights to use the Club moorings.These facilities provide members with safe moorings for day and night stays, but also opportunities to fish, dive, swim and relax in some of the most stunning bays in NZ. The Marlborough Sounds is a nationally and internationally important recreation resource. It is a privilege to be able to go boating in such a stunning location and we ask all club members to respect the environment and other users of the Sounds by not causing nuisance (eg loud noise late at night) and keeping our pristine environment clean (eg tidying up after yourselves and your pets).

Mooring Etiquette

Not so many years ago everyone knew each other in the Sounds boating scene, now because of the large number of boats in the Marlborough Sounds today, it is more important than ever to be follow good mooring etiquette practices:

1.   If you are on a mooring and another boat approaches with the intention of coming alongside, come up on deck and be ready to take lines to make their boat fast and assist with rafting up.

2.   Drop your fenders to indicate which side and that you are happy to raft up.

3.   When rafted up with other boats, be considerate when crossing over boats to reach another. Ask permission and cross via the fore-deck rather than via the cockpit if possible.

4.   It is strongly recommended that you use bow and stern lines and 2 spring lines (fore and aft) when rafting to another boat overnight.

5.   Sound carries a long way over water at night. Be considerate to others and keep the noise down late at night.

6.    When vacating a mooring, please make sure that the loop at the top of the pole float is left clear of the water. Feed the loop down the tube to allow the loop to stay clean and dry.

7.    If you wish to go ashore and walk across private land make sure you extend the courtesy of asking permission of the landowner or occupier. In many parts of the Marlborough Sounds private land extends to the high tide mark and do not assume that the foreshore is automatically available for public access.

8.    Don’t litter the  beaches or throw solid wastes into the sea. Take all your rubbish home to dispose of it.

9.    If you have a dog on your boat and must toilet them onshore choose areas away from beaches. Ensure that you bury or collect faeces.

10.   Avoid feeding the mooring rope through sharp edges to minimize chaffing the rope.

Some Mooring Rules

1.  Only currently fully paid up Members of the Pelorus, Waikawa or Mana Clubs may use the Club moorings.

2.  Any boat occupying a mooring must have a Club Member on board over night.

3.   Evidence of current Club membership shall be demonstrated by flying your Club burgee and the current year pennant. These must be clearly displayed at all times by all Club boats.

4.  No more than five (5) boats shall raft up to a mooring unless otherwise specified in your Club handbook or on the mooring itself.

5.  The maximum combined weight of all boats rafted up on any mooring - please see the Club handbook or on the mooring itself for maximum weight.

See Club handbook for further rules on use of Club Moorings.

Discharge of Sewage

Under the Resource Management (Marine Pollution) Regulations 1998, the discharge of untreated human sewage is prohibited within 500 meters of shore.  Heavy fines can be imposed.  Holding tanks or treatment systems should be used on all moorings.

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